? Program simulation examples

[ Dedicated Commands Table ]

Command Operation
NOP No Operation.
SEND CHR □□□□□□□□ Data communications up to 8 characters.
SEND TBL □ Data communications of the specified transmission data table.
SEND REG □ GRP □ Data communications of the transmission data table specified by a register value.
SEND BUF Transmits data in the frame buffer.
SEND KEY GRP □ Transmits data in the transmission data table corresponding to keystroke.
SEND DA □□ +REG □ Transmits data of the data array specified by additional value of preset value of the data array number and the value specified by register number.
SEND BRK Transmit a break signal (for only ASYNC)
SEND FRM Transmits a X.25 frame.
WAIT CHR □□□□□□□□ Waits for the particular character string of up to 8 characters to be received
WAIT FRM (CLR/NOCLR) Waits for a frame to be received.
WAIT TRG □ Waits for a specified trigger condition to be specified.
WAIT TM □□□□□□ Waits for a specified period of time.
WAIT KEY Waits until one of the keys from 0 to F is pressed.
WAIT LN □ = □ Waits until the logical values of the control lines meet with the setting.
WAIT MLT Executes multiple WAIT commands. If one WAIT command is satisfied, all WAIT commands will be released.
GOTO L □□□ Jumps to a specified label number.
IF CHR □□□□□□□□ L □□□ Branches to a specified label number if the particular character string is included in the frame buffer.
IF TRG □ L □□□ Branches to a specified label number if the trigger conditions are satisfied.
IF TM □ L □□□ Branches to a specified label number if the timer exceeds the setting value.
IF CT □ L □□□ Branches to a specified label number if the counter exceeds the setting value.
IF LN □ = □ L □□□ Branches to a specified label number if the logic values of control lines meet with the setting.
IF REG □□□□□□□□ L □□□ Branches to a specified label number if the inequality relation between registers is satisfied, or register value is matched with the constant value.
IF TBL □ L □□□ Branches to a specified label number if it is satisfied with data of table specified by the table number.
IF DA □□ +REG □ L □□□ Branches to a specified label number if data in the frame buffer is satisfied with data in the data array specified by the additional value, which is the sum of the designated value of a data array number, and the value designated in the register number.
IF FT □□□□ L □□□ Branches to a specified label number if a frame stored in the reception frame buffer is matched with the specified type.
CALL L □□□ Jumps to a subroutine marked with a specified label number.
RET Returns from the subroutine.
SET REG □ □□□□□□ Sets a value to register, or increments or decrements the register.
SET LN □ = □ Sets a value of the control line.
SET TM □ □□□□□□ Sets a value to the timer, or controls the start, the stop or the restart of the program.
SET CT □ □□□□□□ Sets a value to the counter, or increments or resets the counter.
SET BZ Sets the buzzer.
SET OUT Outputs a pulse to the trigger out terminal.
SET DA □□ □□□□□□□□ Sets data to the data array.
SET DV □□ REG □ □ Sets the specified number of characters on contents in register as a character string to the data array.
SET MOD (8/128) Sets a frame modulo for X.25 program simulation.
SET AD □□□ Sets the address field of a frame transmitted by SEND FRM command.
SET VS □□□ Sets or changes the value of V(S) state valuable.
SET VR □□□ Sets or changes the value of V(R) state valuable.
SET PF □ Sets the P/F bit value of a frame transmitted by SEND FRM command.
SET DP □□□□ Sets or changes the data pointer.
INT TRG 0 L □□□ Jumps to the subroutine marked by the specified label number when the condition of trigger 0 is satisfied.
RETI L □□□ Returns from subroutine started by the INT command.
DISI TRG 0 Disables an interruption.
STOP Stops the running of simulation operation.
L □□□ Enters a label number in a range from 0 to 999 in decimal notation.

[ Special Register ]
ST Value of WAIT command which releases the WAIT status of the WAIT MLT
KY Value (0 to 15) corresponds to the [0] to [F] keys, which are
inputted while executing the WAIT KEY command.
DL Number of data in the received frame executed by WAIT FRM command.
DT Data of received frame executed by WAIT FRM command.
AD Address value of received frame executed by WAIT FRM command.
NS N(S) field value of received frame executed by WAIT FRM command.
NR N(R) field value of received frame executed by WAIT FRM command.
PF P/F field value of received frame executed by WAIT FRM command.